Monday, September 11, 2006

Just a quick post to let ya'll know I'll be out of pocket for a couple of days. I am the Director of Nursing for a large home health agency and the state surveyors are in the building for their annual survey (they are about 2 months early, but better now than the week before Thanksgiving like last year and the week before Christmas the year before). It is 10:30 pm and I am just getting home. Gonna eat a sandwich and fall face first in my bed to start this merry-go-round again in the morning. If all goes well, they should be gone tomorrow (this is a minisurvey), then I can catch up on all the work not getting done now for waiting on them hand and foot (hope there are no surveyors on the ring, if so, sorry). Hopefully by the end of the week, I will get to post the pictures of the latest family quilt and the current projects I am working on. Til then, I'm thinking of all of you in the spare minutes I have, wishing is were time to retire and sit at home and quilt all day.


Pam said...

Susan, I too can't wait to retire!!! I want to play and sew and travel and go on mission trips. I know I have a few years (10-11??) before I can make that happen but I am so looking forward to it. Hubby has been retired for 6 years already!!! NO FAIR

Gail said...

Good luck with the survey-hope you can get back to the quilting soon.

KC Quilter said...

I don't envy you the survey---those can be nervewracking!!! Hope you get back to playing with fabric SOON!

Shelina said...

Hang in there. I know nothing about surveying, but I imagine that it is like when auditors are in the office, looking for things you did wrong, and asking stupid questions.

Mary Johnson said...

Hope the survey goes well - I've been through a few in my days as a healthcare manager and don't miss it.

I'm lucky I don't have to work right now but I don't say I'm retired because at 45 anything could happen and I could have to or even want to go back to work.

Nancy said...

Hope Survey went well and that now you can move onto things that YOU want to do. Funny. I like to say I can't wait until I can retire. But I know I'd become somewhat reclusive like Mama did if I didn't have a reason to get up and out of the house every day. So I'm holding on for a few more years. But some days it sure is hard!

Linda C said...

Susan, I can identify with what your facility is going through. Before we moved south, I worked for a skilled Medicare unit for 6 years. Public Health would "terrorize" you and then Joint Commission, etc--not fun.